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How to decide your living room theme

When deciding what color to surround yourself with in your home, comfort and personality are key. What environment do you feel most at home in? Sometimes when observing our environment, we can draw inspiration from it so it pays to give it care. You can risk feeling heavy, dull, or drowned so make sure you’re giving your living room the attention it deserves. 

 Do you want to feel light, calm, or even close to nature? A nice bright green wall with large windows creates a very fresh, airy, and outdoor-like atmosphere. 

Maybe you’re dealing with a small space and would like to make the most of it and create an airy and spacious ambiance. Sometimes, if you want a pop of color, you can do a single wall. If you prefer to keep your environment clean and uncluttered or in simpler terms, wish to take the “minimalist” route, lighter colors such as beige might be what you’re looking for. When opting for a bright pop of color, a wall with windows can help to create a fresh, summery, and lively mood and avoid a shut-in feeling. For a cozier feel, light pastels have proven to work great, maybe with a nice floral or summery print if you want a little something extra. 

 It’s important to personalize your main room to your personality and the emotions you wish to feel. According to research, red is a color to steer clear from as it may risk evoking unwanted negative and angry emotions. Choosing white may seem like a safe option however, maintenance is key as white makes any stain or crack pop like no other color. When working with smaller spaces, brown hues are especially. If you’re going for the ‘maximalist’ look, pairing two bright colors is a nice way to have some fun with your space but a large window is a good idea to create a balance to avoid drowning in your space while still letting natural light in. 

 Your space is a reflection of your personality, so make sure to have fun with it and customize it to your unique personality while keeping the tips and tricks discussed above in mind. 

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