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14 august celebrations at HIline Lahore with Tariq Hameed

Hiline Celebrates Independence Day of Pakistan

To celebrate the freedom we have, the freedom we gain, and the freedom we will adapt for a wholesome tomorrow, Hiline conducted an Independence Day ceremony at the office. We cut azaadi cake followed by lunch and games to instil the spirit of freedom in the team.

Hiline also organized games and fun activities with prizes for the winners to highlight the importance of our national motto and guiding principle, “Unity, Faith, and Discipline”. Our young generation is the future of Pakistan that is why we develop individuals by encouraging and appreciating them. We, the citizens of Pakistan, work all day, every day, to build up much-needed team values and morale to support our community and country. A day to live freely and enjoy with a promise to be the best contribution to our land – Pakistan.

With firm faith in Almighty Allah, let’s stay disciplined and together for the progress of our country!

Happy Independence Day!

Long Live Pakistan

Hiline team celebrates the freedom we have, the freedom we gain, and the freedom we will adapt for a wholesome tomorrow.

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